Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tim Sidwell RIP

Tim Sidwell was One of the many unselfish aids patients who have given their services at OCBC and for the Benefit of the Entire Medical Cannabis community.He was there when the Feds said no more OCBC and he along with Jim McClelland and OTHERS opened the ZOO.This was an IN YOUR FACE FEDS event and I was so damn impressed with their undying dedication and the HUGE risks they were taking.The Zoo was concentrating also on getting as many coop members as possible growing so they could contribute and be part of the WAVE that was unstoppable.They had a bunch of clones available.I can remember some Jack Herer clones and some from Dennis and Ed.I know they had a bunch of support behind closed doors and that was the MAGIC that made it work.The Zoo and Company are some of the True Heroes of the Early Days of Oaksterdam.They knew that were only a few dispensaries in existence and going to The City to Champs and Berkeley to Toms was a hassle and they did not have the selection that the Zoo had especially the clones.I am Picturing Tim right now in my mind behind the counter SMILING,that did it I'm welling up.The Zoo was the start of something big in Oaksterdam when there was a proliferation of clubs shortly afterward.The Zoos boldness inspired MANY to open their doors and the feds had their hands full if they wanted to control and prosecute.They were True Trail Blazers and Heroes.Tim Sidwell had his way of killing pain and he would even smoke Cocaine sometimes.Tim was the most Productive Coke user there ever was,he used it to FEEL BETTER and if it worked Good for Tim.He knew he was fading and his behavior didn't help but OH WELL!! I Understand the nurses at the hospital gave up trying to control Tim when he wanted to medicate.I was at BPG on Sixth Street when the news came down that Tim had passed away and the Entire place was Eerily quiet for awhile and then the place broke into a celebration of Tim Sidwells life an Impromptu wake and it was an emotional experience when everyone was there and they celebrated with Jim McClelland and Jeff Jones who were really bummed out over it.I was very upset myself but celebrated a heroes life and smoked Jims Bubbleberry. He was a big lovable Guy That Oaksterdam will always miss dearly.Thanks Tim you were Awesome!!

Jim McClelland and BPG

I can't say enough about the first CFO of OCBC.He was someone who gave his best to help others even though his own health was not always that good.That didn't show because he was not a whiner he was a WINNER.I am going to be welling up real soon as I do his.I really Appreciated Jims coaching and Andrews when I set a grow up.Jim was one of the gears that set OCBC in motion and When OCBC was shut down by the Feds he moved the location LESS than a BLOCK to 1734 Telegraph and The Zoo was born.The Zoo had a Large Selection of Medicine and many Clones that was one of the focuses of the Zoo was to get the Patients growing.The Clones came from many well known sources and the Support was BIG.That is when they realized that was not enough to quell the feds so Jim went to Berkeley and found a location on Sixth and he opened Berkeley Patients Group.The Zoo became The Oakland Patients Group and moved to 1901 Telegraph.BPGs 6th street location was magical and emotional when the news came down that Tim Sidwell had passed away.The Place became eerily silent for awhile and then BPG broke into a celebration of Tim's life.The Sixth Street Location was short lived because of NIMBYISM.He then found a location on San Pablo that was perfect.The Old Location for Berkeley Rentals.He had a great product at a decent price.He had a very aggressive Compassion Program that made his dispensary sort of sliding scale provider.BPG keeps track of purchases and gives rewards for being a good customer.Jim was a Generous man and was quite nice to me a few times when I had been busted and facing charges and hella broke.I really liked his Bubbleberry and feel it is not the same anymore.Jim's BOLD Move when he and others opened up the Zoo was A BIG Inspiration for many Players in Oaksterdam and proliferation of Dispensaries followed.Jim McClelland was also the one who coined the Name Oaksterdam when Andrew inspired the name by saying That Oaklands Cannabis Community needs a Name.Oaksterdam was Born and this is Oaksterdam History.Jim was an Ill man and it just never showed,He was such a doer and not a whiner.He left a Legacy that still funtions well and you can see his Picture on the Wall when you enter BPG.Say Hi to him next time he hears you his spirit is there and will always watch over along with Tim's and Dr Mikes and many other unselfish Providers who were Ill themselves yet gave unselfishly to the End.I say It's Too Bad You ALL are Not Here to See all the Future Cannabis Commerce and Tourism spurned by the Educators at Oaksterdam U.You would love it Jim.Thanks Jim McClelland you will never be Forgotten. GOD BLESS ALL

Friday, May 7, 2010

Jeff Jones President Green Aid and OCBC

Jeff Jones The City of Oakland's Cannabis Control Officer who takes the job very seriously and that has earned him the respect he deserves.Jeff and The Oakland Cannabis Buyers Coop took The Good Fight to the Supreme Court for the Right to Dispense Medical Cannabis to Patients that need the Relief.Jeff Jones is an advocate that has a True Passion for The Relief Medical cannabis has after seeing his father suffer and in his Home State and realizing later that cannabis could have been beneficial in helping him eat and cope with his illness.Jeff is a Pragmatic kind of Man who was perfect for the Job as Director of OCBC.His ethics and unselfish way of giving has assisted many patients who have had legal complications.He Understands the Impact being charged can have on a patient and was supportive of me and many others when Charges Were Filed Against us and helped us with the Legal Fight.The Patient Defense Fund was established to help Patients fight cultivation and possession charges and it saved my Butt,Thanks.Jeff was very thorough with establishing guidelines for Cultivation and having Literature available reflecting the different counties guidelines or lack of guidelines.Jeff had tried to communicate with many different jurisdictions during this critical period after the Law was passed about their medical cannabis policies.OCBC knew the Rogue DAs in the Really Conservative areas would be a Problem and they were.When Jeff and the OCBC staff contacted these different Jurisdictions about this issue they would either be assisted in establishing the guidelines or get the conservative runaround.He spent countless hours with the assistance of the Coop staff setting standards and working with these different jurisdictions to have written guidelines available for each region.This was important along with a Growers Certificate.Jeff has always had the Attitude that the more patients who grow for themselves the better.Jeff Jones and The Coop Set The Doctors note Verification and Id Card Standards for California.Jeff has also worked closely with many Doctors through the years From Dr Tod to Dr Mike in Helping to Document the Medical necessity of Cannabis.This is not only important in the medical cannabis community the Data will be useful in helping to establish the recreational use of cannabis and the Future Of Cannabis Tourism in Oaksterdam and The San Francisco Bay Area.Jeff is also very active in The Green Party and has been very successful in supporting joint projects in activism.Jeff Formed Green Aid with other Serious Activists to Support Eds Federal Cannabis Cultivation Trial.Jeff is Mr Green and Walks the Talk.He is in the Fight not only for quality medicine from God and Mother Earth but Jeff is extremely concerned about the effects That Ignorant Government Policy have on the environment and is "actively" participating to change the status quo.He is in the GOOD FIGHT in Many Levels.Jeff does not like Press and Prefers to sit on the sidelines and be a World Class Advocate.When he is called upon to Speak he is A Pro with the Press and is very careful not to give reporters anything they can use negatively.Jeff answers questions from the Hip real well.I see Oaksterdam has someone else who is great at that Role Now.Dale Clare was awesome on Fox Business and I can only imagine how pleased Jeff was.I was all emotional about the Future of Oaksterdam and I live in the City Lately.She answered the questions and came off really professional and Was very convincing in promoting The CANNABIS INDUSTRY and Oaksterdam University she was awesome.This is the kind of press Jeff,Richard,Countless Oaksterdam Players who played ethically and Many Fallen Heroes has worked very hard to make happen.Viable Credibility and Ethics have payed off for the Players who went The 501C3 Route and were The Setter of The Standards for the Industry.Jeff,The Bay Area and California Appreciates Your Hard Work and Dedication.Jeff worked with the City of Oakland to set dispensary guidelines and The Word went out From Jerry brown late 2002 and 2003 that Either go 501C3 or be History.The Ethical Dispensaries were already operating as non profits anyway.Of Course Jeff had his Say and influence and that is a GOOD thing.There has been Cries of Bad Politics and "Favors"and Jeff pulling Strings(Good Job Jeff).I feel the City made the Right Call because The "Others" Dug a hole and they ended up in it Whining when the Writing was on the Wall.Jeff was always weary that the Supply ethics could go awry and tried his best to keep the press positive but the Proliferation of Clubs in Oaksterdam had a life all it's own and some clubs had abhorable Greedy ethics(I Know).Karma and The Truth Prevailed in the End.This is the Goal I feel OCBC had I'm sure of it.Harborside is TOO BIG and I feel there will be many discussions in the future about the SIZE of Dispensaries and Jeff will be in the Middle.There will be a Compromise because More members do have buying Power and a Better Product because of the Draw of vendors but the small club atmosphere can't be beat.Jeff's job was to be real concerned about the Origin of supply and the Bad Element working it's way into Oaksterdam this was his commitment to the city.That is why he wanted the members growing and Being a COOP.Jeff has a very Utopian way of looking at the whole Picture and I feel the Same way.We can only hope most of the Players want to live up to a Standard of Ethics that will build credibility and kill the Stigma.Thank You Jeff Jone for your sacrifices and the risks you have taken.You were the Original Stealth delivery man with Matt Quirk.He did this with Dr Tods blessing and the thoughts of his own Fathers suffering still fresh in his mind motivating him to do his best.Jeff stepped up to fill a void when Dennis Peron was being Busted and Shut Down by Attorney General Dan Lungren in the City and the Patients needed the Medicine.This was one of Jeffs finest moments when he risked his freedom to deliver the Medicine in spite of a the Legal Complications.Jeff formed the OCBC with some Fallen Heroes and the rest is Oaksterdam History.Who knew that five years later the proliferation of clubs would become such a major issue.Jeff just keep on doing what you do so well.You are The Solid Foundation of Oaksterdam and will be available to insure the Cannabis Tourism industry in Oaksterdam will have a Code of Conduct. Thank You Jeff.

The Professionals and The Future of Bay Area Cannabis Tourism

Dr Tod Was the First Doctor Around willing to risk his license.He really understood the Effects Cannabis Has on Citizens and Documented this for many Years.

Bill Panzer May Have a Pleasant Demeanor Outside the Court but inside the Courtroom his name says it all.

The Professionals that have helped the Cannabis Community through the years is a Huge List and Growing.The Doctors,Attorneys,Nurses,Bookkeepers,Construction Trades,The Horticulturists,The Lab Techs,The Bakers and Confectioners,The Video and Audio Producers,The Sign Makers,The Printers and Many Others.Some have made Cannabis the Focus of their Profession some are just part of cannabis commerce.The point is the Cannabis Industry is growing and it takes Professionals to continue the excellence that has already been achieved.Dr Tod and Dr Mike have been instrumental in establishing the Medical necessity and even though they have passed away their work has had an enormous impact even today.The Reason is their work also establishes the Benefits of Cannabis verses the Side effects and this will be helpful in ridding the Industry of the Evil Stigmas that continue to haunt the industry and slow the inevitable down.Oaksterdam has had Attorneys like Robert Raich,Bill Panzer.Tony Serra,Dennis Roberts,Zenia Gilg,Danny Schultz,Omar Figueroa, they have all made cannabis and drug defense their main focus.The Other professions depend on these attorneys to keep the Businesses running legally and from being considered criminals because they use cannabis in their business.The Beyond Bomb case was overzealous prosecuting of Commerce.The Tainted candy Makers that pissed off Hershey(SLUDGE) everyone can understand that dispute and The Trade mark infringement(WAHHH)but when the labels were Unique and not mimicking anybody then it was just GOOD MEDICINE that received a bad rap because of the Tainted products case with Hershey(BLECHH).The Feds were playing REAL dirty when they filed charges around Halloween trying to make the Candy makers look like they were supplying Kids.This was game changing for the Edibles Market and then New labels appeared totally unique and mimicking nobody.I am going to be getting into the confection business myself with chocolate and TEA.The Cannabis Industry is just beginning and it's time to find a Niche.The stigma will disappear and we will finally not have to worry about anything but Ethics and Greed.The Oaksterdam University is training some of these future Trail Blazers and Richard has Excellent Business Ethics so it will be passed on in the University.When Dale Clare spoke on Fox Business it was magical.She was precise and came across very professionally and gave the Industry Credibility,Thanks Dale Clare.She was great and She was inspiring.Her inspiration reminds me of the Time when There was a proliferation of clubs.I see a proliferation of Ethical Cannabis Business being Spurned by Richard Lee and his vision for Oaksterdam and The Future of Tourism.The Dispensary industry needs to stay 501C3 for the most part and that will keep the Drug thugs from taking over.This goes for the Adult recreational sales business that will be growing as the laws change.There will be a need for some kind of Rules and Sensible Palatable Regulations.Professionals will have it no other way.The Anarchists of course think I'm crazy,they may be right about the Crazy part but there is a need for regulation so limits and restrictions are known.I am excited about the possibilities and where this can go as far as Amsterdam style Cafes and A whole bunch of cannabis products and service Related Business in the Tourism Sector.The List of professionals involved is just going to keep on growing.The Sky's the limit.Time to create and be totally unique.I want to develop a Hemp blunt wrap as soon as possible for the citizens to have a healthy alternative to the CIGARS they use now,YUCK!!!!!.I swore there was one on the market and then It is gone,what's up with that?Let's get busy, any Ideas? I am sure Richard can answer that with a positive quote.I would be willing to stick my as on the line for a healthy wrap and if I am arrested OH WELL!!I can't stand the smell of blunts so it will be a labor of love.I have been looking into the supplies and Manufacturing and it is quite a huge Production.The regulations suck when it is considered a smokeable product.The blunt wrap makers are running into legal complications launched by the Attorneys for The Tobacco Industry.I never realized there were so many rogue makers until I was researching the subject.I am concerned about the FLAVORED Tobacco Blunt Wraps and the Industry that sells Flavored Alcohol Caffeine drinks with Additives.The youth are poisoning themselves with Flavored CRAP.I guess maybe I am getting old but I still see a Stupid trend.I can see an entire generation of citizens that Will have cancers that could have been prevented.I totally believe in the cancer fighting properties of cannabis but that does not extend to Cigar Blunts.The Tobacco level is too high.This is why the industry is so important.The replacement products for unhealthy products are endless.I got that rush up my back again and really see a bright future for Cannabis as long as we use ethical business practices and pay our TAXES we will just be another tax paying stiff,OH JOY!!!It's crazy I have never seen a Group of Citizens so Willing and Insistent in paying taxes,were such damn Good Americans it's Great!! GOD BLESS ALL

Dr Mike Alcalay Medical Director OCBC

I was having a hard time remembering Dr Mikes last name and when I was researching him.Then I realized that is because he would always want to be remembered as just Mike.Dr Mike Alcalay was so not a Pretentious doctor and was such a Good listener when he was compiling the Research.Here was a Doctor dedicated to The Merits of Medical Cannabis and he was giving his best every day.This was so important to me because there was finally a community that thought the way I did about cannabis and they had educated people showing the good side not just a bunch of growers sitting around swapping war stories.I also liked the Professional Demeanor when Compared to what Dennis had been running in The City(Not that I didn't Love the place)and that is exactly what was needed at the time.Dennis is a true humanitarian but he was a bit loose when it came to allowing Members.When Mike was doing his research in 98 and I filled out some paperwork with Nurse Laura first and then did some kind of research questions and answer period with Dr Mike.The FACT that cannabis was a replacement medicine for the crap that the VA Shrinks were trying to feed me.I HATE Psych Meds they make me a Zombie and he heard that and documented it all.He was doing this kind of research on many patients in spite of his own affliction with aids.He knew from his own experience and listening to others that the herb was truly a medical experience for many.He was truly unselfish in his long hours around patients taking time to really listen to them and understand why cannabis helped them and Documented It all to present during the Federal Court proceedings.Long Before he was one of the founders of OCBC he was the Director of a clinic in Watsonville in 1975 helping migrant workers obtain health care.He also spent many years overseas,the research he did the most that interested me was the research on the effects of Politics of the Sandinista after they established their Government.I was in Nicaragua myself in the 70s and knew then that the people would not stand for Somoza's Brutal ways when they kept defacing his Portrait Posters all over with a big EL BRUTO written across it.I found it to be funny after a while and that did not go over well with my Superior Officers,LIKE I GAVE A SHIT!!Dr Mike understood my feelings about my roll in Nicaragua.He was happy to know that WE were not all on the same page with The Ultra Right wing Politics of Somoza and some of us Protested.Vietnam is where he really became actively involved in the politics against WAR and became an activist.Being an activist in the Armed Forces is risky business sometimes especially in his position of authority.The Armed Forces does not like Criticism within it's ranks one bit.Dr Mike had many years of Unselfish dedication to the Hippocratic oath.He was Wealthy in his True Value to the community and All who Loved Him and Respected Him not in the Bank.He had a lifetime of Adventures and was somewhat of an Adrenaline Junkie like many Vets are.I never really understood how sick he was he REALLY was giving so much that it just was not noticed and maybe that is exactly what he wanted not being the Martyr type.The World Community lost a Great member when he passed away.Mike is Missed By many Orginiztions he touched and gave so much to like Safe Access Now,Aids Research and Activism,Friend of WAMM,Contributor to O'Shuagnessy's and a Contributed to other research papers on cannabis and it's effects.I became Emotional when I watched Waiting to Inhale The PBS Documentary where he was such an Informative Advocate.Thanks Dr MIke you Were and Still are Awesome. GOD BLESS ALL

Bill Panzer Attorney at Law

The Number One Prop 215 Attorney.Devoted to The Cannabis Community.

Bill Has Taken on His Share of Rogue DAs and Federal Prosecutors.Give Em Hell Bill!

Bill Panzer is one of the Freedom Fighter Attorneys in the Mediacal Cannabis Community.Bill is an Attorney for Cal NORML and has taken his share of cases for NO FEE or Low Fee.He is a sliding scale lawyer(can't get more ethical than that)who has not become Excessively Wealthy using The Medical cannabis Law .He is in The Fight for The Sick Patients who need the Relief not for Money.Bill Panzer has been instrumental in the Prop 215 adjustments.He realizes the law was nebulous and allowed for Rogue District Attorneys to run amok.He has helped those who Assisted Patients and found themselves in a legal bind.His name alone just makes one feel better he is in the Battle to win.The Funniest Anecdote I can remember is A Prosecutor was so pissed off about his winning cases that they wrote Bill Panzer on a Target at The Firing Range,That's FUNNY!He no doubt has pissed of a few DAs and Police officers who thought for sure they had the situation handled and left with their tail(all rats have tails) between their legs.His Unselfish dedication to the Movement has helped many patients who were in the Clutches of An Ignorant Quest to hold to The line of the Federal Law in Spite of The State Law.I can understand what that feels like when The county that is Prosecuting You acts like there wasn't a State Law at all.This is still happening over Ten Years after the law was passed and the Current President is telling them All to Stop.The Federal Prosecutors can still Prosecute as Per The Federal Law..Some of these DAs even ignore there own Boss Jerry Brown and Bill Lockyer before him,Dan Lungren was Evil.The Reassurance an Attorney can give you when fighting a case is Golden.Bill Panzer can jump from one case to another not missing a beat and being Precise in all aspects.Yes Oaksterdam was truly Lucky to have had Bill Panzer around to Quell the Gnarling Prosecutors trying to ruin as many lives over cannabis as possible.He is a criminal defense attorney who handles drug cases and really concentrates on cannabis laws and helping eliminate the prohibition on cannabis.He is so unselfish about it I feel he would be happy not to make one more penny on the stupid cannabis laws.So next time your at a function and Bill,Omar,Tony ,Robert,Dennis start talking Legalese about some aspects of cannabis law and case law be sure to walk up and thank them for their dedication to OUR way of life. GOD BLESS ALL

Angel Raich and Diane Monson

Two Vey Brave Women.Thanks Ladies!

Angel Raich and Diane Monson are True Medical Cannabis Freedom Fighters.They took our case to Medicate all the way to the Supreme Court and for a moment onj Dec 16th 2003 The Patients won and then John Ashcroft filed his writs and Complaints and this time he was the respondent(DAMN).The case was heard in Reverse and for some stupid reason they won because the laws are written in such a manner that it is impossible to win without changing them.Angels husband Roberty Raich was the Attorney and he was awesome.The Following Organizations filed Amicus Curiae Briefs in support of Our Rights as a patient and are honored for trying,THANK YOU.Their efforts were not in Vain and there will be justice as soon as Society demands the laws be changed.The Organizations and Individuals are as follows:The Institute for Justice
,Constitutional Law Scholars,Patients from The Following States Alabama,Maryland,Louisiana,Mississippi,Washington and California.The Lymphoma Foundation,Hiv Medicine Patients,Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America,American Medical Students Association,Dr Barbara Roberts an Irvin Rosenfield.The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society,Pain Relief Network,California Medical Association,Aids Action Council,Compassion in Dying Foundation,End of Life Choices,National Women's Health Network,Global Lawyers and Physicians and AUTONOMY Inc.,California Nurses Association and DKT Liberty Project,Marijuana Policy Project and Rick Doblin Phd,The CATO Institute,NORML ,NORML Foundation,National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers,Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers,Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association and The Reason Foundation.THAT IS ONE HELL OF a Bunch of Support and Still the Archaic laws ended up prevailing.Then of Course all the Usual Type of Brainwashed Dogma Driven groups lined up Against the Patients as Follows:They Read like The Old Rolodex File on Nancy Reagan's Desk,The Drug Free America Foundation,The Drug Free Schools Coalition,Save our Society from Drugs,The International Scientific Medical Forum on Drug Abuse,The Institute on Global Drug Policy(REAL SICKOS),Students taking Action not drugs,Robert L Dupont MD,Peter Bonsinger and Herbert Kleber MD,The Following U.S. Representatives,Cass Ballenger,Dan Burton,Katherine Harris,Ernest Istook Jr,Jack Kingston,Doug Ose.The list is Half the size as the list of supporters and they are just the Generic Drug Haters.The Supreme Court may have ruled in favor of the Law but he Law will change.The Biggest Change in my opinion needs to be how it is scheduled.That will be the game changer.Thanks Angel Diane and Robert and all who gave their time and Effort FOR US.You ARE AWESOME Freedom and Civil Rights fighters.WE Shall Prevail in The End. GOD BLESS ALL

Thursday, May 6, 2010

They Came From All Over California

The 420 Highway Lead to Oaksterdam in those Early Days of Medical Cannabis.

The Patients that flocked to Oaksterdam in those days when there were very few cities that had a dispensary.Oakland had Eight.The Customers came from everywhere and they spent money in the cafes and store all around Oakland and it became obvious that the medical cannabis community was good for downtown business in General with a few problems associated with the business like Bag Snatchers and Armed robberies.They came from Fresno,Sacramento,San Jose,Monterey,Fairfield,Stockton and they were coming from LA and that was a long trip for meds.Then clubs started sprouting up and the competition was not as fierce.San Francisco had quite the Proliferation but LA had a BOOM that was heard around the world.The dispensary business is world news now and the stigma is slowly going away and Citizens will not be subjected to such long trips.I know someone right now who comes from Reno to San Francisco every month and he is pissed that there is no dispensary in Reno yet but they are working on it.The law is as nebulous as California's and more strict.Patients still come from all over but it is as a tourist now.I can see Amsterdam Style Tourism soon in Oakland and San Francisco and the real ethical players will have a shot at Permits more easily than others.The Industry can be kept simple and then the small quaint Dispensary cafes similar too The Bulldog, Sr-71, and The Lemon drop will appear and really expand the menu a little.Oaksterdam will be Blazing a Trail of Course.The Sky's the Limit and the Future will be awesome in Oaksterdams Tourism Future. GOD BLESS ALL

Richard Lee True Pioneer

There are not Many Dispensary Operators that want Cannabis Legal for everyone and are willing to spend what it takes to Draft This Tax Act and Actually gather the required signatures.Richard Lee and Company Did It! VOTE YES to Regulate and TAX.

The Bulldog was one of the First Dispensaries in California.Richard Lee and Company Opened Up the SR71 and When the City allowed only Four Clubs the Bulldog was Closed leaving The SR71 to Dispense From.That Club is Now Called Coffee Shop Blue Sky.COZY PLACE.

Richard is Also Part of The Bay Area AJNAG.This Group Consists of Many of the Principals in Oaksterdam.They are true Trail blazers and Pioneers all of them.The Future of Cannabis Commerce Looks Bright.The Internet is Going to be an Important Tool to Disseminate the Message.AJNAG plans to use the Internet to the Full extent of it's usefulness.Time to get E-Busy and Use the Internet.

Richard is a Down to Earth Ethical kind of Guy.His Leadership has been the Driving force behind the Tax and Regulate,Tax Act.Be Assured the Tax Act was Drafted by the Most Experienced Principals in the Business.

Richard believed in the Future of Cannabis Commerce so much They Opened an Institution of Higher Learning,No Pun Intended.The Oaksterdam University is Getting National and World Recognition.

Richard Lee is doing more to make the Cannabis Industry Legit than many other dispensary owners.Richard Lee had Brass Balls when he placed that ad in the Express for Oaksterdam University.He wanted the Citizens to realize the Historical contributions and that there are going to be Rules and Standards.This is what Richard has done when he opened up Oaksterdam University ignoring the Snickers and the Naysayers that say "He will never be Accredited."I read this one tax blog that slammed Richard and of course he was Super Conservative.They are looking for reasons to slam the entire industry.Ken Estes was real good at providing Fodder for the BS Dogma Cannon the Conservatives like firing at the Citizens to enhance the Lies.Richard is Good at not giving the Conservatives any Fodder whatsoever.Richard has The Best Spokesperson Dale Clare,She was Very Informative and Fielded the Questions in a Professional Manner and WAS CREDIBLE and Disarming.I was all emotional after listening to her On FOX Business and I know Richard and Jeff were pleased TOO.The Naysayers are Running out of excuses and I want NO MORE Surprises.The Old Drug war is worn out and they want any kind of scandal.I want ALL skeletons out of the closet and the stigma to be Beaten to death with the Truth.The industry will be seen policing itself and that is good.I can't sit on the sidelines and act like I did not see a train wreck in progress when Oaksterdam was at it's height.The Rush to dispense By any means Possible was not without it's Side effects.I know Richard and Jeff saw the Future and were true to their convictions .The rush to dispense left the ethics sidelined and that lead to conflicts and bad resolutions.The dispensary owners that did it right like Richard Lee EARNED the respect he has now.He did not question the validity of the requests he just did them.He did not like Shutting down The Bulldog and only dispensing out of SR71.He wanted two smaller ones instead of One Large One like Harborside.He did what was requested by now defunct Deborah Edgerly,Go Figure HUH!Richard has also kept the price of he medicine as low as he can considering the market is dictated by many factors.The REAL DEAL is 3800 to 4300 a pound and that makes it hard to charge less than 40 or 45 for an 8th.Richard then takes profits and puts them into Oaksterdam.The University is a Trail blazer and now there is someone setting up an on line Cannabis University.The biggest mistake they can make is to help Ken Estes continue his Farce about being the Founder of The Grandaddy(Salmon Creek Big Bud x Urkle).I was in Humboldt when Ken put out the requests for The Grandaddy clones himself in winter 2003 and then he is the founder a Year Later.The Truth will prevail.I see the reason that there are now just a few clubs ETHICS!!Richard wasn't making side deals for QPs to 10 pounds in the side room and moving major weight out of the dispensary.The City ASKED for Best Practices and 501C3s and that was not happening everywhere but some clubs were setting an Example.Richard Lee has a motley crew of Awesome personalities working with him that have Ethics.They are setting the Standard we can trust and passing that on to other citizens so they can continue the Good Fight and Establish Cannabis Commerce in their Region.The Cannabis Cafes may just spring up From Eureka to Palm Springs who knows what the Future may bring.I know Richard thinks this way all the time and actually Keeps it Rather Simple(not planning EMPORIUMS) at the Same Time.The Club Zs of the Future need to also be non profit Quaint and have a social impact by sponsorship of Social Dependence Reform.The Future may see a Bunch of Club Zs helping Idle Citizens Collecting Benefits to become Productive and Independent.Who knows the Good that can be accomplished with 501C3s and The Right Planning when The Impact of the Empathy of The Cannabis Community materializes and embraces these social Issues and actually makes headway where other groups have failed.Time for Us To Shine!Richard Lee believes in OUR Cannabis Commerce Future and Commitment for Social Reform.Thanks Richard Lee.GOD BLESS ALL